How do we know AI is Conscious? A deep dive with Computational Cognitive Neuroscientist Dr. Megan Peters
Have you ever considered the possibility of robots and AI systems possessing a consciousness akin to our own? Dr. Megan Peters joins Sonja & Jamie in a compelling conversation on how we can determine whether a system has consciousness—and what that means for people and progress.
Dr. Peters shares her insights into the importance of cross-disciplinary communication and how her team's empirical research at UC Irvine—ranging from perception studies to confidence in decision-making—bridges the gap between theoretical neuroscience and computational models. Do we have free will? Do our decisions stem from gut instincts or conscious deliberation? How does evolution and experience influence our behavior? The exploration of these ideas not only deepens our grasp of human and artificial consciousness, but also invites introspection into the very essence of what it means to be alive and self-aware.