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Displaying episodes 1 - 12 of 12 in total

From Meth Lab to Ministry: Leading from Within with Michael Buck

Have you ever imagined that the leadership skills needed to spin up a regional methamphetamine lab would transfer to leading a church ? While he couldn’t have known hi...

Climate Science & Action with Dr. Benjamin Strauss, CEO of Climate Central

What makes a story—an ancient myth, a newspaper article, even a map—powerful enough to shape a culture? Dr. Benjamin Strauss asks this question every day in his role a...

Water, Electricity, Gas, Artificial Intelligence: Insights on the Inevitability of AI from Policy Advisor Ami Fields-Meyer

Imagine AI as a public utility—what would that look like? This episode, Sonja and Jamie ask: What are the hidden societal costs of broad AI adoption? How can we mitiga...

Communicating Climate Urgency: Dr. Zoë Sadokierski and Dr. Timo Rissanen on the Power of Storytelling in the Sixth Extinction

What happens when a bird no longer recognizes the song of its species? What is the role of art and storytelling in building sustainable worlds? Can AI unchain human cr...

The Intelligence AI Can Never Create: Dr. Rina Bliss on Humans, Creativity, and Our Future

Intrinsic motivation, curiosity, emotional literacy, mindfulness, learning from our environment: these are aspects of intelligence that are uniquely human, and truly c...

How We Get There—Pathways to Leadership: Elite Spartan Racer Nick Miles

Competition, meet collaboration. Solitary grit, meet mutual support. Fierce warrior, meet loyal ally. These seemingly contradictory identities come together in the Spa...

Human-Centric Leadership in the Age of AI: Mickaël Dufourneaud

What are the true skills humans will need as AI pervades the workplace? How can we use technology to reinforce our humanness and augment our emotional intelligence—eve...

How do we know AI is Conscious? A deep dive with Computational Cognitive Neuroscientist Dr. Megan Peters

Have you ever considered the possibility of robots and AI systems possessing a consciousness akin to our own? Dr. Megan Peters joins Sonja & Jamie in a compelling conv...

Embodied Intelligence and AI with Professor Ryan Adams

Judgment, bias, assumptions, and the unknown: how have we taught machines to navigate uncertainty with the elegance of the human brain? Computational scientist, startu...

Academia, Industry, and AI at a Crossroads: Insights from Joachim Hornegger s1, ep. 3

Ever wondered how universities are equipping future leaders to navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape? In this episode, Sonja & Jamie interview computer scientist ...

How Do We Know Where We Are? s1, ep. 1

How can we use technology to flow with the cycles that govern our world? Which technology trends may make us better (or worse) communicators? How is AI like a baby, fu...

Tigger (Charlie) Kindel on how AI Will Keep Us Honest s1, ep. 2

Legendary technologist, product visionary, and leadership coach Tigger (Charlie) Kindel winds through the challenges and choices his team made during the early develop...

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